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A NEW ebook 
Steve Daniels

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My Story

Hey there! My name is Steve Daniels. I am an author on self-confidence. I am working on publishing several books this year, so stay tuned!


All of my ebooks will be in .PDF format and blueprints in Excel format, and will be available to purchase when they are launched. Currently, there is one ebook and one blueprint available to purchase and instantly download:


  • Rise to Confidence (ebook)

  • MotivationMatrix (blueprint)

My Books

Master Your Self-Confidence

As Seen On

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Our Customers Say

Viggo Bygden_edited.jpg
“I've always struggled with motivation,
and this guide [The MotivationMatrix] is pure gold,
it helps you conquer:
- finances
- the gym
- social life
And that's just to name a few benefits.
You can't find a better guide even if you wished,
if you're looking to up your life,
this is the product for you."

Viggo Bygdén, Fitness Coach


Thanks for reaching out! We will be in touch with you soon

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