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I used to feel very unconfident growing up, going through high school and graduating from college.

To be honest, I don't know how I made it through college.

I think I lucked out in the math department, which allowed me to stay motivated on other subjects.

Even after I graduated from college and got a full-time professional job, I felt like there was something missing...

I couldn't put my finger on it.

Looking back, one of the things that made me feel this way was the fact that if something that I was pursuing got tough, I backed out almost immediately.

I was looking for instant gratification. I wanted the EASY way out. I felt like I was owed success.

Now I know better and have known better for a few years now.

"What helped you get out of this vicious cycle", you may wonder.

First of all, I had to become self-aware. I had to recognize that I was seeking instant gratification.

Secondly, I had to STOP seeking instant gratification when it came to pursuing my goals and becoming more successful.

Why? Well because when you seek instant gratification, you are not being realistic with yourself or with your expectation of goal achievements.

One main ingredient of achieving your goals is being patient with the process, being patient with yourself, and not being too outcome-dependent.

Learning to enjoy the at-times "painful" journey of goal achievement is what boosted my success and confidence.

The most successful people in this world had to go through ups and downs in their journey so what makes you and I any different?

Focus on the tasks ahead of you, minimize distractions, be patient, learn to embrace the "pain", and keep moving forward no matter how tough it gets.

When you look back, you'll realize you've come very far and it should boost your self-confidence.

In other words, increased consistent productivity on a goal that you have a burning desire for should drive up your confidence.

I hope you all enjoyed today’s post and hope you will join me on the journey to self-confidence mastery.


– Steve Daniels

P.S. I would love to hear what you have to say about this post. Feel free to comment below!

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